Saturday, October 31, 2009


Gillian Wearing

Hey Hannah, you might be interested in her piece "Dancing in Peckham". I also found this site holy-public-dancing-interventions-batman

Monday, October 26, 2009

Alameda Towne Center Halloween '08

What will Matty be this year??

Here are all the YouTube Alameda Towne Centre video I found:
Alameda Towne Centre playlist

Mall Dancing Research

Thursday, October 22, 2009

can can

This was on the ATC Facebook page.
Interesting to weigh the 'incentives'
Can for art or can for discount?

Thursday, October 15, 2009


“We Are All American” by Iranian artist Farhad Moshiri.
More here

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Disney’s Retail Plan Is a Theme Park in Its Stores

The Disney board approved the Imagination Park concept on Oct. 1 after touring the prototype and receiving hand-made books from Mr. Fielding that pitched the concept as “the best 30 minutes of a child’s day.” Now Disney is bringing in landlords, trying to pit them against one another to secure top-tier locations and favorable leases.
“We will essentially be the only toy retailer left at the mall because everybody else has evaporated,” Mr. Mooney said. Mr. Fielding added, “Every mall in America is desperate for newness and freshness.”


Monday, October 12, 2009

giles miller pop-up shop

This is pulled from

during london design week 09, designer giles miller designed and curated a pop-up shop
of his work at 1.12 kingly court. miller has designed a range of cardboard products
and furniture in which he attempts to combine the values of individuality with the realities
of reproduction in his somewhat craft-based production techniques. the way in which
he proceeds with his design allows for personalization, giving individuals the opportunity
to add value to their object, preventing them from losing their worth.

It seems like pop-up shop is quickly becoming a term for thoughtless cardboard furniture. Im pretty sure "craft-based productions techniques" means laser-cut.
We need to think about this as we design our advertising and promotion. How can we set ourselves apart from what this term is becoming?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


here are some links to articles that pertain to the reading. this is what i think of when i think of malls. i especially recommend the laweekly article.
i also have been rereading umberto eco's 'travels in hyperreality,' because i think the ersatz nature of the mall and the amusement park environment have so much in common. i don't know whether/how this will manifest in work, but the hyperreality notion is certainly significant.
the grove and the americana are simulacra, in that they strive to emulate an american town that does not and has never existed. as the nytimes article notes: only the money isn't pretend...
i will likely be writing about these spaces for the book.,0,4566804.column

Moving on IN!

Hey Everybody Come look at how good we look

Sunday, October 4, 2009